+91 - 471 - 2458606 matsyafed@matsyafed.in
In order to develop a vibrant orgasinsation an effective campaign was organsied in the initial years of formation of the federation. Extensive mass contact programs were conducted in fishing villages and continuous interaction on one to one basis with fishermen groups were organsied so that the group dynamics have maintained and successful group activity has emerged. Extension and Mass communication division look after the effective capacity building process in the different levels of the federation. Different target groups like fishermen, primary cooperative leadership and staff, directors of the primaries, officers and directors of federation were given training management so that an effective program implementation will be possible.
The few program details implemented for the continuous capacity building process in the federation is given below.
1) Awareness and Mass Contact Programs
2) Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP)
3) Management Development Programs (MDP)
4) Trainer’s of Trainees (ToT)
5) Training in Advanced Technologies for Skill Up gradation
6) Workshops, Seminars and Exhibitions
7) Publications and Publicity
8) Future Makers – Training program for SSLC / +2 students of fishermen families for development of positive mental attitude, effective learning skill, goal setting and leadership.
9) Revitalization programs for non –performing primaries
10) Training to staff, employees and leadership of primaries and SHGs
11) Training to fishermen and director board members of FDWCS
12) Training to SHGs for Group Dynamics & Leadership
13) Training to employees of Matsyafed
14) Women Empowerment Programs