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Fish Manure Plants

Matsyafed has two Fish Manure Plants in Azheekode, Thrissur District and in West Hill in Kozhikode district. The Plants have a manufacturing capacity of 10000 Tons of fish manure per annum. The fish manure is well accepted among the Plantation Farmers and is used widely under the peoples plan program and by the Coconut Development Board for distribution to Planters under their various schemes.

Fish Meal Plant, Azhikode was established on 09th August 1972 and Fish Oil and Fish Meal were the main products.  Later during the early eighties, due to lack of sardines, the plant was closed. Later during the year 1984, the organic manure "Nutrifish" was produced.  Since 1984, till date we are producing the bulk nutrifish organic manure.  This is a mixture of Neem cake, castor cake, fish wastes from boats, fly ash, prawn shells and poultry droplets, powdered to get granules / powder.  This organic manure is used for all plants especially coconut,  plantations and all  kinds of vegetables.


Matsyafed Fish Meal Plant Kozhikode, produces and markets  organic fish manure under the brand name called " Nutrifish". It is a complete organic fish manure. It comprises other organic materials like Neem Cake, Poultry droplets and Super Ash, in addition to Fish Waste. Matsyafed Nutrifish is widely accepted and utilized by the Agricultural Sector of Kerala. It ensures better yield and is soil friendly. The product is highly appreciated by the farmers all over Kerala and approved  by Kerala Agricultural Department.


Salient Features of Nutrifish

  • Rich in NPK and micronutrients which is necessary for plant growth.
  • Improves soil structure for good aeration and improve water holding capacity of soil.
  • Improves soil fertility.
  • Improves microbial action in the soil causing micronutrient release.
  • Neem cake in the product acts as an insecticide.
  • Abundant in Calcium and micronutrients.
  • Nutrifish gradually disintegrates in the soil causing slow and sustained release of micronutrients.
  • Improve immunity of plants to diseases.


Since it is a complete organic manure, it is suitable for Coconut plantations and almost all other agricultural crops.


Available in 1Kg -50 Kg packs.


Nutrifish organic manure is available all over Kerala through approved agents, Matsyafed District Offices, Matsyfed Vyasa Store and Matsyafed Fishermen Co-operatives.

Our market share is around 10 % of the branded organic manure.

Contact :

      Matsyafed Fish Meal & Oil Plant, Azhikode Jetty P.O
      Kodungallur Thrissur 680666
      Ph 0480-2819431
      Email :
      Mob: 9526041044

     Matsyafed Fish Meal Plant, West Hill, Kozhikode - 673005
     Ph: 0495-2383415
     Mob: 9526041099